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On February 5th, 2024, CROSEU and the Municipality of Turin organized the second session of Design Thinking+ (DT+) in Turin at Casa delle Tecnologie Emergenti – CTE Next. The session aimed to assess whether the prototypes of Use Cases (UC) 5, 12, and 13 effectively address the needs identified by end users in the previous phase. DT+ is a technique for generating ideas for products and services to meet the real needs of users. Participants included representatives from the Municipality of Turin, TIM, and Fondazione Torino Musei.

During the session, the first demo of each of the three UCs was presented. Representatives from the Fire Department, Emergency Services, Ambulances, and Civil Protection attended the presentation of the “CONTROL ROOM IN THE METAVERSE” demo (UC5), while a group of 15 people, aged between 25 and 35 years old, attended the presentations of the demos for “CITY PARK IN THE METAVERSE” (UC12) and “EXTENDED XR MUSEUM EXPERIENCE” (UC13).

The evaluation by the involved stakeholder groups was very positive for all three demos. Comments, contributions, and reflections were collected, which will further enrich the products in their final development.

