TrialsNet Plenary Meeting in Turin
Last week, the fifth TrialsNet plenary meeting was held, between June 19th and 21st 2024. The meeting was hosted by COTO in the CTE NEXT premises. The main focus of the plenary meeting has been the integration of the third-parties Use Cases, coming from the Open Call. Representatives of each of them were physically present at the meeting to present themselves and their plan to the consortium.
Besides, the plenary focused on the ethical considerations of the foreseen trials, involving real end-users, as well as on the usual project progress, work package alignment and use case development. As usual, the meeting was a great moment of participation and teamwork, moving forward with the use cases implementation and trialing activities, addressing topics that are transversal between the different work packages, and harmonizing the processes. Thanks to all the partners for the collaboration, and see you all in October in Iași, Romania, for the next plenary meeting.