TrialsNet Project Methodology
Overall Framework
TrialsNet will follow an iterative approach (depicted below) that starts from the assessment of the current capabilities of the state-of-the-art mobile network solutions and iteratively performs initial, intermediate, and final trials of the selected Use Cases. The initial network deployment, which will be performed in controlled scenarios, will then be analyzed to extrapolate how the targeted 6G application will perform at scale. This will be done by using the standard tools for network planning and some tools specifically proposed by the TrialsNet partners such as the network digital twin.
This first round of results allows for a validation of the targeted network requirements for the different use cases and builds towards the overall understanding of the 6G requirements. Still, the principal objective of the project is to deliver compelling use cases that can improve the liveability of the urban environment in many areas. So, after this first validation, refinements and optimization take place, which will include the deployment of new releases of the network functions, the utilization of different infrastructures like new radio bands, or the integration of network innovation introduced by the project’s partners or by the evolution of some of the software components related to the application, which can also entail the integration of new components coming from the open call. It is important to remark that TrialsNet use cases will not operate in a vacuum. The Pan European clusters targeted by the project are targeting Use Cases from different areas and, most importantly, different flavours of the same parent use case will be developed in different clusters. This allows for a holistic evaluation of the network KPIs needed by a 6G application in different contexts and scenarios, including different network deployments. This further strengthens the outcomes of the validation analysis, as it adds different perspectives to this analysis.
TrialsNet will conduct user research activities in some use cases, with both qualitative (i.e. interviews) and quantitative (e.g. questionnaires) tasks, to capture user value perception of the user experience with the prototypes, to find product/market fit, and identify what demand is still not covered, and what it is critical to consider for future network evolution or requirements for the products and services of the future. The user research will be adapted for the specific audience and vertical (first responders, remote experts, fans in events, museum visitors, airport travellers).
The TrialsNet use cases will be developed in 4 main clusters (see the figure below), bridging together knowledge in Greece, Italy, Romania, and Spain. In the following, we will discuss the details of the proposed use cases and the specific characteristics of each cluster’s current and planned infrastructure deployment.

Use Cases
TrialsNet will implement 13 UCs in the three domains of Infrastructure, Transportation, Security & Safety (i.e. UC1-5), eHealth & Emergency (i.e. UC6-9), and Culture, Tourism & Entertainment (i.e. UC10-13)