UC8 - Smart Ambulance
This use case will propose a 5G-connected smart ambulance operating outdoor in mobility. The use case will develop an infrastructure that will enable ambulances (or small emergency centres) to share diagnostic information with the main centre. The proposed infrastructure will be designed and implemented to equip the ambulance with i) new audio/video communication tools (Augmented Reality – AR - and virtual reality - VR - headsets) between operators on the ambulance and supporting experts in the hospital, ii) diagnostic tools for cardiological pathology and ii) devices to guarantee an efficient and fast 5G connection in remote locations and mobility conditions, including emergency high-speed travel through congested urban areas. This UC will demonstrate the possibility of sending real-time information to local operators to maximize early intervention and sending information and large data batches (like real-time video and 3D imaging) to a central hub with low latency.