TrialsNet sub-projects from the Open Call at the MWC25
Various Trialsnet sub-projects from the Open Call will be present at the MWC25, showcasing their solutions and offering demos.
Turin5Games will be present at the MWC25 through Domethics. At their booth, the Turin5Games will be presented, and a live demo of the platform will be featured, including their innovative Shaks devices:
- Game Controllers: Designed for use with consoles, computers, smartphones, and tablets.
- G1: A special TV set-top box that enables gaming on the Turin5Games platform and can be managed via the Shaks controllers.
- Camping Console Prototype: A portable setup (in a suitcase) that includes a screen, two controllers, a G1, and a high-capacity battery—ensuring you can game in any environment.
Turin5Games will be in Hall 7 at stands 7D51 and 7D71.
Beyond 5G Football Stadium will be present at the MWC25 though RunEL. They will display their Sparq-2025-P B5G end-to-end Private Network solution for crowded areas. The solution is suitable for sport stadiums, shopping malls, city downtown areas, etc.
Beyond 5G Football Stadium will be in Hall 8 at 8.0B31.7A.
Torino4U will be present at the MWC25 through Stendhapp, in the context of Torino Unesco Capital of Design. Stendhapp will showcase in-app AR content and AI-generated tailor made cultural itineraries, as well as a mock up of the in-app LLM avatar in early stage of development.
Torino4U will be in Hall 7 at stand 7D83, only on March, 4th.
Neutroon will present MediVision5G at the MWC25, a revolutionary solution that transforms surgical environments through advanced Private 5G technology and augmented reality integration. As healthcare and services organizations navigate digital transformation, MediVision5G offers a scalable, secure platform that aligns with enterprise requirements while advancing surgical capabilities. Experience their live demonstration, upon request, by contacting contact: Matteo Grandi, Head of Innovation,
MediVision5G will be in the Generalitat de Catalunya Stand CS210-CS220, Booth 39
EV Loader will present the AI4RTC project at the MWC25. They will present their commercial EV Charging Application EV Loader aimed at charging station owners and building administrators who seek to remotely monitor and collect revenue from EV Charging Stations installed within their premises. Furthermore, EV Loader will present the joint progress made with their partners LocalAI for AI4RTC. Namely, EV Loader will showcase proprietary hardware upgrades performed to commercial EV Charging Stations to achieve 5G connectivity and low latency software tools, to ensure that maximum rated electrical capacity is not compromised even under rapid shifts in electrical demand in building complexes.
AI4RTC will be in the Hall Congress Square, Stand CS250

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