1 minute read

We are back from our great adventure at the MWC25 Barcelona last week! They have been really busy and super exciting days in which we took the occasion to further disseminate project activities, progresses, and the first trials’ results in the most important event of the year! The MWC attendees who visited our booth had the opportunity to have an inside on TrialsNet’s use cases, employed technologies, and overall framework for KPIs and KVIs measurement and evaluation. In addition, the videos of the performed trials and demos presented at the booth provided a first tangible result of what the project achieved so far.

TrialsNet at the MWC2025.
TrialsNet at the MWC2025.

We would like to thank all the people who passed by our booth with a particular mention to SNS JU representatives (Pavlos Fournogerakis and Chiara Mazzone) and Nico Cinefra of Meta! A great thanks go to our Open Call sub-projects AI4RTC, Beyond 5G Football Stadium, MediVision5G, Turin4U, and Turin5Games that have been present with their own booths and demos further strengthening the TrialsNet presence and dissemination at MWC25! Last but not least, we would like to thank CTE Next for having hosted TrialsNet at its pavilion and making all the above possible!

The MWC2025.
The MWC2025.

